Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Constant Change!"

For the couple of days,
as the sun rises
in the morning ---
I'm always anxious to know
What life has to offer...
What's the beauty,
that it would bring
to brighten up my day...
And how can i make
My love ones Happy ---
And I'm always hopeful,
Everything will turn out
great and wonderful
for everyone...

But as my days turns
to gloomy and sad,
it made me realized one thing,
That i should not depend
My Happiness on others.
I should not count too much
on my expectation in them.
I should not make their
ways of showing their
Love for me, as the main
Reason for me to be happy.
And for me to consider
--- my day complete.

Cause no matter how much
the person loves me and
Promises me to always,
Brighten up my day ---
I still can't be certain
that things will always
be the same for us everyday.
Sooner or later, things will
change eventually, no matter what.
For we are living in a
World of constant change...

Blogstream post last April 8, 2009/ Wednesday

1 comment:

  1. Cute Nuts:

    Don't judge yourself by how much you are loved by others, but by how much you yourself love others.
